Saturday, August 23, 2008

Take Advantage of Life for Therapy

It's the time of year when everything starts up - dance and music classes, scouts and Taekwondo.

Lucky for us, Caroline (who was born deaf) loves to dance, and so she was enrolled in dance at an early age. Last year, she decided she didn't want to take instruction anymore, but she did agree to help the younger girls' class. She helped keep the four and five year olds in line and made sure they knew their dance steps.

This year, I am making her continue her ballet even though she is not happy. I told her this was for several reasons. First of all, she's talented in dance, and she needs to do something active for exercise. Also, it's great therapy for her and even though she sings in the school choir, dance requires her body to repsond to the music. Also, ballet is hard and requires her concentration. I think it presents opportunities for her to shine, and we who are mothers of special needs kids need to acitvely look for ways that our children can shine.

It is so hard for them to shine at school where the faster, smarter kids sign up for things first and finish assignments first and don't have to ask the teacher for help. It is so hard for our children to expect anything but failure because school isn't set up for them to actually succeed at anything.

I'll tell you about her brothers next time. Unitl then, God bless you and yours, and may this year bring your children rich successes.