I have three special needs children, and one thing which has made sense to pursue was mentorships. Nothing formal. Just establishing touchstones for my children in the community. People who love them, understand them and wish the best for them (children can SO pick up on vibes). Our church youth group, with the volunteer adults, is a great place for my children to be nurtured. Another is to select adults who hold careers of interest to the child or who carry the same diagnosis as the child.
This is Ed Buckner, weatherman for KTHV in LR. He also suffers from Tourette's and has been a source of inspiration to Carter. His interest in Carter is priceless. However frustrated he gets with himself, he has proof that he is not stupid because Ed has Tourett'es too, and he's not stupid.
Here's to all the wonderful role models and mentors, Big Brothers and Big Sisters out there - hoorah!